Friday, February 7, 2014


Today was my first encounter up close and personal with Mormons, while I don't know much about their beliefs, besides from watching the HBO show Big Love, which i'm sure doesn't do true justice to the beliefs of the LDS church, but I am always open to studying beliefs different then my own.

With that being said I got to talk to two female missionaries, both younger then me age 19 and age 22. Two girls from two totally different backgrounds on a mission, mission meaning time for themselves to have further insight into their faith and their connection to it, their growth in it and to spread the word of God to others. We've all heard of missionaries, in the Mormon faith this is considered very important to do a mission. Yes for men it may mean getting on a bicycle and having a door slammed in your face. These girls do the same but told me only boys ride bicycles, they drove a 2013 car owned by the church. I was shocked to hear they were driving such a brand new car. Sister Scott and Sister Casey as they called themselves, told me how money raised from all the missionaries around the world is put into one big pot and that is how expensive items like a car are purchased. Their daily routine sounds very similar to what mine was when I was in basic training. Everyday, except Monday, which I was told is their free day. At 0630, rain or shine, cold or hot, Sister Casey and Sister Scott go door to door around their assigned area, knock on the doors of who ever will invite them in and spread the word of God via the Book of Mormon. When they are not making house calls they are studying, having group discussions with their other group members, helping out with church events, or mentoring. Their day ends strictly at 9 o'clock at night. Sister Casey is from Hawaii, and let me wear the red flower that she had in her hair. She had very thick beautiful black hair that is typical of natives of Hawaii. Sister Scott is from Utah, a big Mormon concentration is in this state. Sister Scott and Sister Casey were both very courteous to me, and gave me a copy of their bible with their number in it.

I am obviously not interested in converting but they seem like interesting people. On Mondays they can be like any other girls their age and shop. Sister Casey's mother sends her earrings from Hawaii, she had very pretty mother of pearl earrings with black Onyx looking material, she told me she even gives these earrings away to people she talks to! I met these people at a going away dinner for a coworker's son, who is 19 and will be going away to Chicago for two years on a mission himself. My coworker's family was very interesting and funny. They argued back and forth on organizing the party, but in the end things worked out and I ended up having a great time with people I barely knew. My coworker's father in law had Alzheimer's, but you wouldn't think that with how many smart jokes he cracked, he always knew when to chime in with his two cents. Hilarious! Especially when he asked one of the sister's to wash his car.....yeah I knew what that old man was thinking, especially after his daughter in law my coworker, told me how flirtatious he was and still is!

I always appreciate it when I run into people I don't know but then end up having a great time, I cherish memories like this and I hope you do too, sometimes it's good to hang with different crowds and get outside of your comfort zone, you never know how much of a good time you may have, or if you'll encounter 18 in pizza boxes! Ciao!

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